Jaimee's Life Blog

Tag Archives: october

Yesterday, I did the Walk For Breast Cancer. It wasn’t exactly a 5k, but then again I’m not sure how long it was. It was really fun. The weather just started really cooling off this week-60 degrees when I left the house! I even think it started to get colder as the day went by. But, I was totally warm because over 12,000 people showed up to do the Walk! That’s not even counting the unregistered people like me! It might have been around 15,000 people there by the time it started. We were all in a ginormous gaggle in the Mall parking lot, that’s where the walk started, and you could feel everyone’s body heat as though it were a mile long blanket. There were so many people around me and my mom and brother, we could hardly even move at first. Just shuffling our feet like old people. After a couple of minutes, it started to thin out and we could stretch out our legs.

Everybody was wearing pink because, you know, pink is the Breast Cancer colour. I had on neon pink triangle earrings, crazy pink watermelon flavored lip gloss a pink v-neck shirt, pink Adidas shorty-shorts, two different pink bracelets that say Breast Cancer on them, a pink knit jacket, and some mostly grey but have a pink Nike sign on them sneakers. I was the Pink Masquerader! We even got my hesitant brother to wear a pink sweatshirt. The coolest part was that the route the walk was on was in the shape of the ribbon so from the sky you could see this big, moving pink ribbon. I wonder if they ever took any pictures of it or even if they planned it that way!

We finished the walk not at the beginning or the end, we were right kind of in the middle of it. I didn’t time it, but I think it took about 45 minutes to do the Walk. I seriously can not believe I forgot my camera, again. It’s not even funny this time. I’m going to have to strap it to my arm next time or something! My next walking excursion will be, I think, a Christmas Parade Marathon, but, for one, I’m not sure if the parade people are even doing that this year and two, I might even find something a little closer to now because Christmas is sooo far away!

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